Thursday, February 26, 2009

Doggie Daycare

Well, I don't have any new pictures since he came home about a month ago. He's growing slowly, but that is what I want. I'd hate for him to get Panosteitis because he's growing to fast. He's averaging about 1/4" per week in height and his weight isn't increasing a whole lot. He has become a very picky eater and doesn't really like to eat. I am now putting both dogs in their crates to eat and I give him roughly 10 minutes and then pick up the remaining. He's probably eating about 4 cups of food a day...maybe.
He has also graduated to not being in the exercise pen while I am gone at work. I needed to get to this level fast as Basco would sit infront of the dog door and not let him inside. I ended up putting pea gravel in my side yard so they don't track in a ton a mud. At Wolfcreek he was allowed on the furniture and he isn't here, but is starting to test me on letting him on the furniture. So far I'm winning when I'm home.
Now on to the main title of this post. Yoshi was very reactive with dogs of all sized. Barking, lunging with hackles raised. Not from true aggression, but he wasn't being fear aggressive. Now if they actually came near him he'd run. Well today was day two at doggie daycare. He was playing with a portugese water dog and interacting with the dogs more than last time. The first time he just wanted to be by his people. Saturday is a indoor dog bark park day for dogs that have been to daycare. Yoshi and I plan on attending. So in short his socialization is going very well. He is going up to all people wanting to be petted and sniffing, his confidence is growing and I plan on enrolling him into OB class in March. I haven't been working much on OB work, but he's learned a lot of words and doing very well.

Friday, February 6, 2009

First week

Spoiled much??

Yoshi has had as successful first week. He loves his dog door and goes outside just for fun all day long. I haven't taken any new pictures, but he grows day by day in height. He hasn't gained weight in the week but grew 1.5" in height. He also puts his feet on the 4' x-pen with ease, I'd guess he's about 5' in length already. He is also a very vocal dog, he doesn't bark much but he whines like crazy. I just haven't figured out what he's telling me yet.

We have been to the mall (outdoor) and walked around, he was fabulous on the leash. I'd flip around and go the other way and he'd follow. He is getting along great with people now. He goes right up to them. But dogs he is still very scared of. I am enrolling him in doggy daycare next week and setting up a few playdates with friends and neighbors. This weekend he is staying at home with my co-worker because I am in Chicago visiting family. So far so good though

The cat situation is about the same, but he is learning to be nice and they aren't chew toys.